Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ushering year 2009…

Today, we were supposed to sit for our Russian credit test. But, since today is New Year Eve…teacher said, is ok…we were exempted to sit for the test. Well, I missed called dear, and we met at SHUM, as how we had planned. Today is our 4th Annv. I bought a watch for my dear, and dear bought me a mp3 player. I felt so blessed. We had our lunch at the pushkinskii food court. Tonight ame not joining us for dinner, so, left me and dear dear only. We bought pizza and some rolled thingy with cheese. We also had ice cream, pine apple with coke. Wow…very happy.
I really thank God for His blessings upon our relationships. I knew it is because of His love that we can love. May God continue to guide us and teach us to be a couple that is pleasing to Him.

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